Edgar Villanueva’s book “Decolonizing Wealth” gave those of us working in fundraising a much-needed new perspective to not only see the ways that philanthropy has harmed the communities we serve but also how we might begin to reshape our practices to refine and enrich our mission of public service. Join us for a conversation on how we, as fundraisers, can and must examine our own relationship with money and how money can be the medicine to create a more equitable future.
The Public Media Development and Marketing Conference (PMDMC) is public media’s largest conference devoted to issues surrounding revenue generation, marketing, and management.
The PMDMC is the one time each year when public media leaders and revenue-generating professionals from organizations of all sizes join together to dream big, stay energized, and build a more sustainable future for public media.
PMDMC 2021 will be virtual. Mark your calendars for July 13-22, 2021.
The conference is co-produced by the revenue experts at both Greater Public and PBS Development Services.